Essays | Judges

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Rabbi Yosef Y. Jacobson
New York, USA

Rabbi Jacobson is one of America’s premier Jewish scholars in the areas of mysticism and Torah. A warm and motivational speaker, he has lectured on Chassidic teachings to Jewish and non-Jewish audiences in six continents and twenty states and published scores of articles on Jewish thought. Rabbi Jacobson served as a member of a select team that prepared the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s addresses for publication. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Yiddish-English weekly, the Algemeiner Journal.

Leibel Altein

Rabbi Leibel Altein
New York, USA

Rabbi Altein is the chief editor of Chassidus Mevueres, director of Heichel Menachem, Boro Park, formerly an editor of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s famed Likkutei Sichos, and one of the world’s most renowned and sought after experts in Chassidic thought. 

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Rabbi Dovid Olidort
New York, USA

Rabbi Dovid Olidort is the senior editor at the Kehot Publication Society, and the Hebrew editor of the Map of Tanya.

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Dr. Shimon Cowen

Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen is an Australian rabbi and academic with a dual background in secular and religious studies. He is known for his research on, and advocacy for, the Noahide Laws. He established the Institute for Judaism and Civilization as its founding Director.

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Rabbi Dr. Shmuel Klatzkin
Ohio, USA

Dr. Shmuel Klatzkin is the Associate Rabbi of Chabad of Greater Dayton, Ohio, an adjunct Professor at Antioch University and Senior Editor of Curriculum at JLI. Dr. Klatzkin pursued a doctorate in medieval Jewish philosophy from Brandeis University. Dr. Klatzkin has translated and edited DVDs of talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe for Jewish Educational Media, and was a contributing editor to Wellsprings, a journal of Chassidic thought. He has been a featured speaker from coast to coast in the US and Canada and in the UK and Ireland and is also a Visiting Rabbi for OK Kosher Certification.

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Rabbi Osher Farkash
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Rabbi Osher Farkash is the Mashpia of Yeshivas Lubavitch Buenos Aires in Argentina. Through his dedication and loyalty to his students, he has deeply impacted the lives of so many.

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Dr Yaakov Brawer
New York, USA

Yaakov Brawer, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology. He is one of the directors of the basic science component of the medical curriculum. His educational activities have included teaching neuroanatomy and reproductive endocrinology to medical/dental students, as well as to students of physical and occupational therapy and to science undergraduates and graduate students. He is also the author of two books on Chassidic philosophy, Something From Nothing and Eyes That See.


Rabbi Yitzchok Kaufmann
Yerushalayim, Israel

Rabbi Yitzchok Kaufmann teaches Talmud, Chassidus and Jewish Philosophy at the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Israel. His classes are known for their penetrating analysis of profound topics, such as the ramifications of creation ex nihilo. As Director of Mayanot’s Executive Learning Program, he also creates custom, short-term learning programs for professionals and business executives. Rabbi Kaufmann studied at the University of Minnesota, majoring in physics and math. He then studied at the Rabbinical College of America, Yeshivas Toras Emes, and Kollel Tzemach Tzedek, and received rabbinical ordination from Kollel Ohr Yaakov in Rechovot.