about | MyLife Chassidus Applied
MyLife is a pioneering Hafotzas HaMayanot Chutza initiative. Formed by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, we address the personal and emotional needs of our community and answer the most pressing questions of our lives—from the perspective of Torah, as elucidated specifically in Chassidic thought.
About Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Rabbi Simon Jacobson is the author of the best-selling book Toward a Meaningful Life, and heads The Meaningful Life Center, which bridges the secular and the spiritual worlds.
Our Mission
Our mission is to demonstrate how Chassidus speaks to our personal lives in a deeply relevant way. We strive to take the teachings’ of the Rebbeim and make it accessible and practical to every person.
Our Team
Chassidus Applied and the Meaningful Life Center are supported by a fantastic team, eager to help you find your most meaningful life.
Book world renowned lecturer, Rabbi Jacobson, to speak at your event or organization.
We have the answers to your frequently asked questions.
Interested in sponsoring a Weekly Chassidus Applied Broadcast? Learn more here.
Contact Us
Address: 788 Eastern Parkway, Suite 303
Phone: 718.774.6448
Email: wisdomreb@meaningfullife.com
A gift to MyLife helps fund our mission to instill within every person the self-worth and self-confidence that comes from discovering and living his or her purpose in life.