Weekly Broadcast

Ep. 513: What Can We Do Differently and Better This Elul to Ensure That 5785 Wil...

Topics: How can Elul help us during these trying times? 04:00
  • What can we do differently and better this Elul to ensure that 5785 will be a great year? 06:33
  • Can you explain in practical terms how I can connect to the king in the field? 08:58
  • Why don’t we find Elul and its special customs mentioned in the Talmud or the Rambam? 12:14
  • What is the proper translation of kesiva v'chasima tova? 17:40
  • ...

Featured Essays

Essays 2020 / Finalists

“Just Not Feeling It”

In today’s world, where self-help books sell in the millions and every other blogger or social media star offers inspiring tips for a better lif.

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Chani Herzog

Essays 2020 / Finalists

A Journey from Fear and Suffering to Control and Serenity

In this essay, we will explore OCD, first from a medical vantage point and then as illuminated by the teachings of Chassidus, specifically the Tanya a.

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Countess Rivka Elkaim

Creative 2020 / Finalists

Tefillah to the Heavens

What happens when we are stuck in the mud– when Hashem has stuck us into a rough situation? How do we change the ‘muddy‘ decrees or.

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Tanni Cohen

Essays 2020 / Finalists

Tapping into our True Selves

We tend to be really hard on ourselves. Low self-esteem is a major challenge in this day and age, across the board. This essay will be about getting .

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Mushky Ezagui

Essays 2020 / Finalists

The Power of Imagery

Yetzias Mitzrayim in Chasidus means to leave our own personal Meitzar and Gvul. Leave our boxes. Get out of our comfort zones and enter a space of Mer.

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Yehuda Shmotkin

Creative 2020 / Finalists

The Anatomy According to Chassidus

Just as the water is the same coming at the top of the fountain and at the bottom so to Torah is Hashem’s essence and it is the same in the upper wo.

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Chaya Youngworth


Too many rabbis give a performance. Not so SJ, he’s genuine, modest and respectful.

One hour full of Chassidus, intriguing, informative, eye-opening — just amazing!

Do yourself a favor and listen to these programs.


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