2019 Winners | MyLife: Chassidus Applied Essay Contest
The Winners of the MyLife: Chassidus Applied Essay Contest are…
These essays were chosen by our expert panel of judges from among hundreds of essay submissions. Congratulations to our winners! Check back soon to read the winning essays, and subscribe to see new essays published weekly.
Top Ten Winners
1. First Place, $10,000 winner: Ayelet Skinner. Medical Esthetician, at FACE. Home city: Southfield, MI. Age: 48. English. Topic: Ageless
2. Second Place, $3,600 winner: Ariel Naveh. Member of Tzemach Tzedek Kolel in Jerusalem. Home city: Beitar Illit, Israel. Age: 44. Hebrew. Topic: הדרכת תורת החסידות בנוגע לטיפול בפחד וחרד בהשוואה למקורות תורניים קודמים וכן לפסיכולוגיה המודרנית
3. Third Place, $1,000 winner: Aidel Cohen. Mobstub, Customer Service. Home city: Brooklyn, NY, Age: 24. English. Topic: Rediscovering the Joy of Giving
4. Third Place, $1,000 winner: Mushka Silberberg. Teacher, Lubavitch Girls High School. Home city: Lincolnwood, IL. Age: 22. English. Topic: The Essential Yes of a Strong No
5. Student Winner, $500: Arye Yonatan Chadad. Student, Central Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim, 770. Israel. Age: 21. Hebrew. Topic: הדרך להמנע מדימוי עצמי נמוך וקבלת מוטיבציה בעבודת ה’
6. Shraga Crombi. Beit Chabad, Rutgers University. Home city: New Brunswick, NJ. Age: 38. Hebrew. Topic: פנימי’ – הפתרון החסידי למגפת האסקפיזם
7. Devori Garelick. Student at Beit Chana, Tzfas. Home city: Naharia, Israel. Age: 19. Hebrew. Topic: קשה זה הקל החדש
8. Aharon Zev Moshel. Student Yeshivah Gedolah, Melbourne. Home city: Melbourne, AU. Age: 17. English. Topic: Chassidic Lessons on Growing through Trauma
9. Menachem Mendel Dekel. Tomchei Temimim, Teveriah. Age: 21. Hebrew. Topic: מודל א.ב.א. – התשובה החסידית להפרעות החרדה בעולמנו המודרני
10. Levi Wilhelm. Student, Yeshivas Chabad Tzfat. Age: 17. Hebrew. Topic :אגואיזם-מבעיה אל פתרונה
In-School Winners
Rohr Bais Chaya Academy; Coral Springs.
Chaya Mushka Hodakov. Coral Springs. FL
Bais Chaya Mushka Seminary; Montreal
Chana Lazar. Montreal, Canada.
Beis Chana; Tzfat, Israel.
English Division: 1st place: Shayna Slaven. Sydney, AU. 2nd place: Mina Zalminov. Hollis Hills, NY. 3rd place: Minna Phillips. Worcester, MA.
Hebrew Division: 1st place :דבורי גרליק.Israel. 2nd place: מושקא מלכה דקל. Israel. 3rd place: חנה אסתר כהן, Israel.
Beth Chana Academy High School for Girls ;Orange CT.
Geulah Ezagui. Palm Beach Gardens. FL.
Beis Chomesh; Toronto.
Menucha Rochel Dubinsky. Newton, MA
Bnos Chaya; Albany, NY.
Ita Gordon. Albany, NY.
Bnos Chomesh; Brooklyn.
Salome Rafaela Allouche. Brooklyn, NY.
Lubavitch Girls High School; Chicago IL.
Chanale Schusterman; Chicago. IL
Machon Alte Seminary, Tzfat, Israel
Rivky Rosenwasser. Miami, FL
Ohel Chana; Melbourne, AU.
Shira Adina Zigelbom. Miami, FL.
Beis Rivkah High; Melbourne, AU.
Chana Block. Melbourne, Australia.
Yeshivah Gedolah Melbourne; Melbourne, AU.
Aharon Zev Moshel; Melbourne, AU.
Beis Rivka High; Montreal, Canada.
Shterna Sara Scheiner. Montreal, Canada.
Ohel Chana High School; LA.
Malka Bracha Heidingsfeld. S. Monica, CA.
Tiferes Bachurim; Morristown, NJ.
Noach Kane. Morristown, NJ.
Torah Academy Girls High School; Johannesburg, SA.
Esther Rivkah Rodal. South Africa.
Yeshiva Darchei Menachem;Brooklyn.
Shmuly Katzoff. Brooklyn. NY.
Machon Leyahadus; Brooklyn, NY.
Chavah Levine. Brooklyn, NY.