Look Up When Down

Rochele Rodal
Creative 2020 / Finalists

A mothers reach, focusing on continuation
As she transmits knowledge to the next generation
The challenges are many, yet opportunities abound
Chassidus gives you the tools to change your life around

When you feel you have no worth
No reason for being on this earth
You think you’ve done everything wrong
You try really hard but you just don’t belong

Stop torturing yourself, it doesn’t have to be this way
Remember this one thing and start your new life today
The Eibershter is waiting for you to uncover
If only your vast potential you would discover

Getting over depression and the like thereof
Is stated in Tanya in Perek Chof Vov(1)
In Prokim Alef and Beis(2) it talks about constant creation
And how Yaish M’ayin is the world’s foundation

The 10 sayings He is always repeating
So every second the world He is completing
If He didn’t want you you would disappear
So there must be a reason that you are here

If He didn’t think you can handle this specific situation
Why would He make it a constant creation?
With opportunities for transformation the world is replete
Your unique contribution will help make the world complete

A mothers reach, focusing on continuation
As she transmits knowledge to the next generation
The challenges are many, yet opportunities abound
Chassidus gives you the tools to change your life around!

1 Of Sefer Shel Beinonim
2 Of Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah

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