Recognizing Your Elements

by Miriam Yerushalmi
Essays 2015

MyLife Essay Contest

Living in a world of temptation we are inundated with countless assaults on our responsibility as ethical, moral and productive human beings. Our economy, media and society sends us subliminal messages that make us want more of everything. When we are done overspending, we are faced with countering the lures of social media and multiple distractions from all of our super smart devices. It makes you wonder if we are any smarter now, not having enough time to unpack all that overabundance. How can we concentrate long enough to truly develop knowledge?

In this essay you will find the correlation between the four elements1; earth, water, fire and air and various temperaments as they play out in dominant individual character traits. We will explore how to achieve balance through the inner meditative process of prayer and reduce conflict by achieving dominance over emotions2. Some of the practical applications will include meditation, visualizations and mindfulness, ways by which to achieve the ultimate wiring system between the mind and heart3. These are familiar and popular interventions originally derived from Chassidic / Kabbalistic teaching and distilled into mainstream healing alternatives. Sourced in primary works of scholars of the 19th century, these concepts are ever present today.

With technological advancement, sophisticated medical resources and comforts upgraded yearly, there is still an increase in diagnosis of major emotional disturbances. So many people are suffering with persistent emotional distress. Our circular existence turns into continuous attempts to achieve something. What is that something? A better job? More accomplishments? Fulfilling Inter-personal relationships? Improved quality of life?

That desire for growth is real, often compelling, yet attainable. Chassidus teaches that the insatiable quest for growth and the root of all passion is an inner process not based on external gains. Quite the opposite; if the soul is well nourished and sustained, a person will feel centered and as a result have an easier time achieving all other material needs.

The more permissiveness we are, the more we are filled with contradictions and uncertainty. Chassidus offers the perfect balance – purposeful passion to accomplish one’s mission and the intellectual capacity to train the heart to listen to the mind. Humans are vibrant with a range of emotions which make us all unique personalities. Emotions gone unchecked can lead a person to destructive behaviors. That’s where Chassidic philosophy is the ultimate equalizer – taming the passion and intellectually channeling energy for healthy, productive and higher purposes.

What are some of today’s common solution for major intrapsychic problems? A change of status? A new diet? A vacation? An escape of sorts? Many external efforts are temporary band-aids to emotional and psychological unrest. Despite new avenues for rest and relaxation, there is an inverse correlation between mental health and Western lifestyle, with an increase in diagnosis of major emotional disturbances including: anxiety, depression, PTSD and other symptoms.

For many, the image of Chassidism is depicted by a dancing Hasid or an impoverished farmer characterized in Fiddler on the Roof. Perhaps it is the picture of a Shtetl that comes to mind or some primitive, secluded life. You may wonder how Chassidism relates to everyday, modern life. What does Chassidic thought have to do with a contemporary, educated and cultured person in 2015?

According to Jewish Chassidic philosophy,4 G-d created the world using four elements: earth, fire, water, and air. Every human being is comprised of those four elements, all in varying proportions which give us the tools to use those elements differently. Within each element are strengths and weaknesses. Tracking the element to their source will help identify personality traits and clarify how to celebrate our uniqueness.

Origins of prayer are sourced in the relationship of our forefathers with the Al-mighty and we inherit their values and gifts to the world, all done through meditation which later became the service in the Holy Temple now known as prayer. To replace animal sacrifices during Temple times, we now offer our animalistic tendencies5 – the hard work of changing our dominant negative character traits of fire, water air and earth. When a person who struggles with anger learns to self calm and a person who procrastinates learns to be punctual, that is service of the heart, all mapped out in the deepest study of Chassidic philosophy, put into action during prayer.

Other disciplines encourage people to “go with your feeling” justifying an emotionally driven existence. Some spend countless hours, time and energy analyzing every injury to the ego and ultimately cannot extricate themselves from the lingering effects of the past. Chassidic philosophy offers the blueprint to resist emotional challenges through fortifying the intellect and synthesizing emotion in order to safely reclaim the body and soul for an integrated self.

Parallel to evidenced based psychological research; Chassidic philosophy offers an explanations and solutions to the disparity between feeling and being.

For example, Earth is low, heavy, and immobile; this element directs a person toward contemplation, considered analysis, stoicism, and introspection. It is a deep thinker, someone who is self aware, concrete with good reality testing. Someone who is responsible and trustworthy is exemplifying the element of earth. When not channeled properly, the same person can show laziness, sadness, and depression. The main flaw in Earth personalities is that they do not push themselves to accomplish or grow.

Fire rises and flames consume. A Fire personality strives to aspire and succeed. Fire personalities are confident, empowered to reach for the stars, take on leadership roles. They are the visionaries and executives. They are willing and able to take responsibility, to lead, and to achieve. The negative expressions of this personality type are the explosive character flaws of arrogance, anger, criticism and intimidating the weaker in their path. On the positive side, Fire personalities can reach great heights of prayer and learning and love of G-d.

Water has no innate boundaries; it must be contained by an external receptacle. A Water person “goes with the flow,” spreading out wherever access leads. They are easygoing and loving, able to give of themselves and to help others grow. The negative manifestations of a Water personality may be instability, a lack of self-control, and a lack of judgment; following the path of least resistance often leads to a life of physical excess and addictions. Water-dominant people, never feeling they have enough, have a need to amass possessions. This desire can be channeled in a positive way towards the acquisition for more goodness and purity.

Air is invisible, impossible to contain. An Air person is a wonderful source of ideas and idealism, and yearns to follow the spiritual, transcendent path. Air-dominant people are not particularly concerned with physical realities or needs. Routine is uncomfortable to them. They may find it difficult to stick with a chosen path, and will fluidly move from one position to another. An Air person has a good command of language as speech is sourced in air. They are able to speak well and convincingly, and can use words in holy ways to help others—e.g., as teachers, rabbis, therapists—but may abuse this ability by speaking aimlessly or harmfully.

Understanding how each element applies to you or those in your inner circle will take time and it is important to have a good mentor to identify which trait is the more dominant. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses though, makes it easier to deal with and use them purposefully. Once you understand your character, you will be better able to refine it.

What are some of the ways that we make a change? How can we gain control of emotion which is hard-wired, primal and almost automatic?

The following is a visualization of the two strongest elements, created to enhance the experience of transforming feelings and mastering control over basic natural inclinations:

Picture yourself in a beautiful garden, the air is lifting you and you are letting go of all your worries and tension. You enter a garden made perfectly for you. At each step there is an experience of the negative effects or misuse of the four elements and you will learn how to restore balance and wholeness.

From a distance you see a fire and as you walk towards it as you become aware and realize that this is destructive. This is the fire that is burning with rage inside of you from the accumulation of anger throughout the years.


You are contemplating extinguishing the fire
Putting out the fire you create harmony
It is no longer in control of you
Visualize the G-dly fire within you
Use self talk to bridge the gap between you and others and unite
You are now subsumed by holy fire
See yourself calm Eyes shining with love and compassion

Fire has a purpose and a place. You can feel the warmth, comfort and security. This fire has a means to warm and offer pure love, passion and gratitude to the Creator of all being for the magnificent world full of color and complexity


See mounds of dirt around you
This base earthy element weighs you down and leads to your feeling down and makes you feel lethargic
This heavy energy prevents you from accomplishing your mission
Make a decision that you will dig your way free
You see a shovel and grab it. You begin to shovel dirt away
You say to yourself, I want to be rid of dirt
As you do you feel less trapped. The mount of dirt is gone and path is now clear.
Walk freely and lightly towards destination and goals
Take the time and see yourself with stamina and energy
Taking action with ease
The essential earth element is still there and available to fertile and moist to cultivate the base earth element of life sustaining soil of the earthly soul
You can think before you speak and think before act
You are transforming mud to fertile ground You are ready to plant seeds of growth and improvement
You are blossoming!

Similar to a vacant property filled with antiques and original paintings whose owner does not secure them properly, leaving them open to loot. So too, when our spirit is underutilized than the negative character traits overtake the property and assume it to be theirs. That’s when the emotions become imbalanced, resulting in character flaws or psychological and emotional disorders.

Footnotes and Sources:

1. Weinberg, J. (1998). Lessons in Tanya, Kehot Publications, Chapter 1, pages 44-46
2. Schneerson, S.D.B. (1992). Tract on Prayer: Kuntres Hatefilla, Kehot Publications
3. Schneerson, Y.Y. (1998). Likkutei Dibburim, An Anthology of Talks, Kehot Publications
4. Articulated by many different Sages and philosophers, particularly 15th century kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Vital.
5. Schneerson.S.Z. Likkutei Torah, Kehot Publications<./p>