The Power Of Positive Thinking

By Yitzchak Winner
Essays 2015

MyLife Essay Contest Finalist

“Tracht gut vet zien gut” – Think Good and it will be Good.

The Goal: To apply Positive Thinking according to Chassidus in our lives.

The Thesis: Using various sources and thoughts process to achieve true positive thinking.

The Struggle: Thinking positive while balancing the realities of life and of our personal merit.


Today’s world is saturated with self help books and people are more lost than ever. ChassidicPhilosophyis not only a study of the existence of G-d but a Guide to Life. Whether you have studied its teachings before in depth or are being introduced to it with this very essay, it must resonate within you or at least challenge your mindset to evaluate your thought process of how you understood your life to be before being exposed to it.

The Power of the Mind and Positive Thinking

We all know the mind has power. The way we think or understand things to be is the way we will react to it. New Age Psychology has discovered what Chassidic Philosophy has know long ago, that the mind influences us. (See Tanya chapters 12, 14, 16 etc).

What benefit do we hope to achieve and what Psychological issues does it address?
The benefits of, Positive Thinking is being able to realize our full potential without fear of success or failure.  As human beings we deal with numerous issues; Stress, anxiety, depression, an eschewed view of oneself and the lack of the ability to communicate clearly. Positive Thinking will help us remove what hinders us in life and achieve inner peace.

Modern Medicine and Philosophy uses various ways to deal with anxiety and other life stresses ; Drugs, Counseling, Therapy, Meditation etc.
One of those techniques is Positive Thinking. Google the words: “The Power of Positive Thinking” or The Study of Positive Thinking”, and you will get many links of them:


How does the teaching of Chassidic Philosophy and the powerof the mind, differ from New Age Psychology teachings of the power of the mind?
It differs in a few very significant ways. In Chassidic Philosophy:

  1. The power is from  G-d and His infinite abilities 2-   The goal is achieving a greater divine plan.

In New Age Psychology:

  1. The power is from the persons mind and the universe.
  2. The goal is your happiness.
    The difference between them is not only academic but like night and day:

Chassidic Philosophy demands:

  1. Self Nullification: Giving your will and life over to a greater being then yourself.
  2. Acceptance: It might not work out the way you understand and how G-d makes it happen is not our concern.

New Age Psychology teaches:

  1. Self: Believing in your own goodness and self worth.
  2. Acceptance: Only to the point which does not demand self sacrifice.

The Thesis and Sources in Chassidic Philosophy

The idea of thinking positive is found in the Torah. The Bal Shem Tov, the first Chassidic Master, wrote to his son: “One who trusts in G-d , kindness will surround him” (Psalms  32: 10). That “Trusting “   in G-d itself, creates G-d’s “Kindness”that will “Surround him”. The positive thinking in a sense acts not only as prayer and hope but as a solution itself bringing  protection.

As Chassidim we know of the saying: “Tracht Gut Vet Zien Gut “ – “Think Good and it will be Good”.
This came to us from the third Chabad Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek, in a story with R’ Michoel Beliner. R’ Michoel son became very ill and the doctors had given up all hope. The T”T said to R’ Michoel:
“Tracht Gut Vet Zien Gut”- Think Good and things will be Good “ and so it was , his son was completely healed. (Lekutie Deburim chapter one page 159).
Let us examine R’ Michoel thought process and the T”T advice: Was it only to calm him down? Was it like a prayer or hope? Did R’ Michoel blindly believe? Did just repeat in his mind the words “Think Good and it will be Good”, as a mantra over and over again?


Or was it due to his understanding of Chassidus and his ”Emuna-Belief” in G-d and the power of Tzadikim that he had a logical explanation as to why thinking good actually helps?
I’d like to explain that indeed to “Think Good and it will be Good “ ,one must do a paradigm shift in their mind to revolutionize their thinking process and have thoughts through which one can truly believe it possible.

To truly “Think Good“, a few Chassidic concepts must resonate within us.
1-Amuna: Faith in G-d. 2-Betochun: Trusting in G-d. 3-NeshomoThe Soul  (Etzem: Our Essence ) . The Rebbe explains in his talks ( Lekuite Sichos 36) with sources in the “Rebenu B’Chaya”  ( Shar
Habitochun Chpater One)  that the difference between   “Faith”and “ Trust” is that  “Faith” is believing in G-d’s power yet accepting His judgment, even suffering. “Faith” is believing all that He does is for the good  even if you do not see it so .  To believe G-d has the power, but is ready to accept that he might not receive G-d’s help the way he wishes it.

[aside] “Trust”is not only believing in G-d’s infinite power, but trusting in G-d’s loving us. [/aside]

Trust”is not only believing in G-d’s infinite power, but trusting in G-d’s loving us. As His power is unlimited so too is His love for each Jew, even one who is undeserving. Hence the person trusts in G-d’s infinite love and His help to come to him in a palpable goodness.
The Rebbeexplains that “Trust”is so powerful that even when it is physical impossible for that person to be saved the person or the merits do not make them worthy; the “Trust” itself creates merits.
The Rebbe explains that the “Thinking Good … ” of the T”T  is based on“ Trusting “ in G-d not just “Faith” in G-d.
The Rebbe quotes a Zohar as well, that the face we show below will create the face the above. Hence it is important to think positive and be joyful (Igros Kodesh).
In addition our present Rebbe brought this idea up to a whole new level, for individual people and entire nations.
How positive thinking even helps others even for spiritual needs; as in a child who left the path of yiddishkiet r’l that thinking positive about the child will help him return ( Igros Kodesh).
On a national level, the Rebbe demanded a collective “Think Positive” regarding the Holocaust. How G-d loves us and we must never allow our minds to even think of a recurrence G-d forbid. The same with the security of Israel, that we must trust G-d that He will protect the land, in spite of all political mistakes.

The same with Moshiach’s coming in this generation; “Think Positive”!

Back to R’ Michoel, he understood that the T”T wished him, to “Trust” not only “Believe” in G-d.

R’ Michoel’s  , “Thinking Good” was not a drug or something the T”T said to calm him down, it was real and saved his son.


How do we activate this power?
Through prayer, meditation and self nullification, which taps into the Jewish “Neshomo- Soul. The Jewish soul in essence is a part of G-d (Tanya chapter 2). Through the soul, one reaches the infinite and has access to all soul powers that come with being a part of G-d.  Hence the 3rd step after “Faith” and “Trust” is reaching the essence of the “Soul”.

Once we do this we can truly “Tracht Gut” – “Think Positive”, which I believe needs  two elements to combine as one:

  1. Shvisi Hashem Lenegdi Tomid”– “I place G-d before me all the time “. The Baal Shem Tov explains the word: “Shvise” means not only “place” but “equal”.That a Jew should react to all events with equilibrium; to treat all events the same; with joy for they come from G-d.
  2. “Ich vil nisht dein olam hazeh ich vil nisht  den olam habah, ich vil nor dich alin” . The Alter Rebbe’s cry of; “ I do not want Your this world I do not want Your next world, I only want You, ( G-d) alone”.

The Jew must be able to “ThinkGood”, trusting all will be good and at the same time accept all events as the same. He is able to do this because, “I only want you alone”.
The Jew and Chossid must combine both “Faith” and “Trust” in G-d at the same time by using the infinite power of “Soul” which is a “piece” of G-d.
To constantly live the “Shvisi” which is more like “Amuna”. And to have Betochun”,which is more like “Tracht Gut Vet Zien Gut”. This is possible when he reveals inside himself his, essence; “Neshomo” , soul which is a part of G-d ( Tanya perek 2 ).
The Soul is capable having the Alter Rebbe’s cry , “ I only want You, alone”, and the T”T, “Think Good” , at the same time, because he lives with his Soul .The “Soul “ is in essence a piece of G-d that is infinite and able to encompass contradictions. ( Nimna Hanimnous -Rashba) .Two opposite  “ T’Nuous” ; “movements of the soul” at the same time. To accomplish G-d’s goal of making for Him a dwelling place below on earth (Midrash Tanchuma ) one needs “To Think Good” ;  because to succeed on earth you need revealed goodness. However to succeed in bringing G-d into the equation one needs “ I only want You alone” to  desire only G-d.


“Thinking Good” means:

  1. Regardless of personal worth we have the ability to reach the highest levels of the perfectly righteous, for the souls of all Jews are essential equal.
  2. Trusting G-d’s means that G-d has His own way to make the good He wants for this person to happen.
  3. Using “Trust” in G-d all the time as a way of life. Not only in a time of crisis. Trusting in G-d  even when all is fine.


The goal of Chassidic Thought and Life is to heal the rift between Man and G-d. Each of us is born with dual drives and Chassidic Thought teaches us how to unite them as one. Inner peace can only be achieved when remove that separation and reveal G-d on earth.
The Rebbe many times wrote to people in letters, that many psychological issues come up when the body and soul do not live in harmony. Refusing to face this and focus on one part of our being over the other , means living with a split in our soul.  With regard to “Thinking Positive”, unfortunately, it is   easier some times for us to just accept G-d’s judgment then to “Think Good”. We would rather give up then trust in G-d, afraid we will be disappointed. Yet as human beings, Jews and Chabad Chassid there is really no choice, the Rebbe, Chassidus , Torah, and life itself demands we think positive. Our obligation is only to put in the best efforts and leave the success and outcome to Him.
As the Rebbe writes regarding the 4 groups arguing at the splitting of the sea ; our job is to follow Moshe when he raises his hand and “Vyisu” to travel . Then when G-d sees our “Trust” in Him and Moshe, He opens up new options even to splitting the sea ( Likutie Sichos 3 B’Shalcah).

Through “Trachting Gut”, G-d helps remove all obstacles. Amen