The Power Of Thought

by Nechama Laber
Essays 2015

MyLife Essay Contest

Are the thoughts that enter our mind a natural result of what is happening in our lives? Is negative thinking limiting our success and overshadowing all the good we have in our lives? Is it possible to master control over our thoughts? Are we afraid of failure and criticism?  If left unchecked, negative thinking can control our emotions, hold us back from achieving our dreams and even result in poor mental and physical health. Chassidus guides us with tools to transform our negative perceptions and realize our true reality.

Harnessing the Power of Thought

Chassidus emphasizes that thoughts are real, powerful and eternal. Our positive thoughts even create spiritual angels[1]. Furthermore, since thoughts clothe our soul, and thoughts have no limitations, thoughts rooted in Holiness actually place our soul there. In addition, when our thoughts are focused towards helping another, the person will feel it and actually benefit from the positive thoughts. On the other hand, negative thinking traps us like our ancestors stuck in Egypt. We can go out of Egypt when we overcome our narrow perception of ourselves and overcome our personal limitations. The Hebrew word for Egypt, Mitzrayim, actually means limitations. [2]

The voice of Pharoh is still with us today, telling us to believe we can’t succeed. He wants us to give up hope. The Hebrew letters of Pharoh are Hay, Ayin, Raish, Fay – the same letters in the word for the back of the neck. In order for the mind to control the heart, our thoughts must pass through the back of the neck. Pharoh’s voice causes a blockage between the mind and the heart. It blocks the voice of the soul from reaching us and revealing the unlimited potential of our soul.

How do we push away the negative voices and gain control over our thoughts? How do we stay positive when challenges arise? First, we can recognize that the mind controls the heart, the seat of our emotions, which means we have the incredible power to be the master of our thoughts. [3]. Our evaluation of ourselves and who we are is dependent on the quality of our thoughts. Our effort to choose positive thoughts, will result in healthy emotions and desirable conduct.

Chassidus explains that thoughts are compared to water because they sustain us and are always in a state of motion. [4].  Our thoughts are always flowing. Negative thoughts can “drown” us.
Sometimes, we feel trapped as if there is no way out, just like it happened after the Jews left Egypt by the Reed Sea.  The Jews were surrounded by the Egyptians from behind and the sea before them. There were many different opinions, but only one man who knew what to do. His name was Nachshon Ben Aminodov. He did not allow negative thoughts to control his actions. The Midrash tells us that Nachson focused on G-d’s command to reach Mount Sinai and so he visualized where he wanted to be. He had the courage to keep moving forward until the waters split. We can follow Nachshon’s example by focusing on our direction and keeping our purpose in mind. By moving forward with positivity, that indomitable sea splits and we are open to experience God’s miracles in our lives.


Our Good Thoughts

Chassidus reminds us that our minds can only hold one thought at a time. What a simple yet profound truth! Therefore, it is crucial to have a mental storehouse of positive Torah thoughts. Phrases and chapters of Torah, Mishna and Tanya, should be engraved in our minds so they are available to replace negative thoughts [5]. These engraved thoughts are so powerful that even when we’re not consciously thinking them, they help keep away negative thoughts.

How can this be? This is because negative thoughts are attracted to an empty mind, not one armed with holiness. Engraved Torah thoughts connect us to G-D at all times, and that connection pushes away negativity. We can perceive the soul’s unlimited potential. We don’t stand paralyzed but instead move toward success.


Utilizing Visualization

Another positive thinking tool is visualization. When one is faced with difficult challenges, it is beneficial to relive positive, uplifting and spiritual experiences, such as a wedding, the birth or adoption of a child, or a meeting with the Rebbe. With practice, visualization creates a sensory experience bringing us to the sights, sounds, tastes, and feelings of that joyous time.  In this way, we can relive the inspiration and joy we felt at the time so that it inspires and moves us now[6].

My father, Rabbi Wasserman O”BM, was an example of being a master of one’s thoughts. He once told his students that even if he developed a potentially fatal illness, it wouldn’t change him except, perhaps, to motivate him to overcome any negative thoughts. He would recognize his even greater need for a positive mindset [7]. Although his students didn’t know, he was suffering from a life threatening illness at the time. He didn’t become depressed and instead, chose to focus on his purpose in life, teaching Torah. Therefore, he was able to live with a positive attitude until his last day on earth.

Currently, my husband and I are working towards the goal of purchasing a property to become the permanent home for the Jewish Girls Retreat. We have faced numerous setbacks and challenges in striving for this goal. While I can’t control outside circumstances, I do have  control over my thoughts. I can fight pessimism, negativity, and self doubt by applying the teachings of Chassidus. I have the power to strengthen my positive thoughts and trust in G-d, when I visualize our dream becoming a reality.

I close my eyes and envision a beautiful campground with happy campers. I drive up the long road to the campground and smile and thank G-d for allowing us to co-create this beautiful reality. I picture every detail of the campus– the swing set, the flowers, the community garden. I see the inside of the building with the an art room, a dance studio, bunks, kitchen and dining hall. I visualize my father O”BM smiling from above because he is proud of this beautiful legacy — Jewish girls who are learning Chassidus at camp and applying it to their lives. These life lessons will give them the confidence and tools to become future Jewish mothers. I feel ease, joy and calm as I walk the path of the new JGR home.


Practical Steps:

Here are some practical steps to use each day to create a flow of positive energy and break the pattern of negative thinking and self doubt, which if not expelled, may lead to depression and anxiety.

  1. FIGHT DEPRESSION WITH SELF-TALK:  Ask yourself every day, “Am I fighting my personal Egypt? Am I putting forth effort to take charge of my thoughts? Tell yourself: I am the boss to decide which thoughts I allow to enter my mind.
  2. LET GO OF NEGATIVITY and THINK HEALTHY THOUGHTS: Build up a library of Torah passages and positive thoughts such as: “Everything happens by Divine Providence. Life for me is perfect. What G-D sends me is exactly what I need. I can succeed.” Change the negative sound track and play positive thoughts. Cling to positive thoughts like life itself and soon the negative thoughts will  diminish.
  3. DEMAND AND CRY TO G-D FOR HELP. How did the Jews go out of Egypt? They cried out to G-d for help. Daven and ask, “Please help me overcome my limitations.”
  4. START YOUR DAY RIGHT. The first thought and words of the day influence the entire day[8]. Recite and feel the one line prayer of Modeh Ani. Thank G-D for the power of your soul to overcome the negative thinking.
  5. MENTAL RELAXATION: Find the time to relax and relive positive uplifting moments in your life as described earlier. Visualization enables healing energy to flow through the body and to develop thoughts that are calming. Mental relaxation reprograms how we think, like rebooting the computer.
    1. Sit comfortably and close your eyes, but remain awake.
    2. Deeply inhale and exhale 10 times.
    3. Envision relaxing images such as a sunrise or sunset over a lake.
    4. Think and recreate a positive memory.
    5. Feel the positive energy and inspiration of the memory.
    6. Envision the positive result you wish to happen.

These coping methods take effort but with dedicated practice they can be learned and used to weed out negative thoughts that are not coming from our true reality. We have the power and the tools to overcome challenges and stay positive in every life situation. When we utilize our G-D given gift of thought and follow the practical steps taught to us by our Chassidic masters, we will lead happier and healthier lives and achieve our greatest dreams.


Footnotes and Sources

[1] Tanya chapter 12, 51, Derech Mitzvosecha page 96,b, Ohr Hatorah Tzemach Tzedek Yisro page 728.


[2] Torah Ohr Parshas Vaeira.


[3] ibid.


[4] Mayim Rabim 5636 page 4


[5] Likuitei Torah end Vayikra -“Vhadarta Pnei zaken. Hosofos. Rebbe Igros vol 5 letter 1,374. Vol 18 letter 6,745, and many more.


[6] Interesting to see connection in Toras Chaim,Mitteler Rebbe Parshas Breishis after many chapters about mind control, discusses suffering in chapter 21.


[7] Likeitei Diburim vol 1 Shavous 5694, also Pesach same year.


[8] Kuntres Inyana shel Toras Hachisdus chapter 9 and on.