AYIN BEIS | Existence Unplugged
Chapter 63 (part 1): Levels of Desire and Transcendence
Short Summary
In addition to the general makifim (of tehiru i’laah and tehiru ta’taah) there are also the specific makifim for each world, due to the equalized energy and lack of distinction of the individual levels as they stand in the makif kloli (transcendent desire).
Long Summary
In addition to the general transcendent energies (makifim klolim) of tehiru i’laah and tehiru ta’taah which desire and encompass all of existence, there are also the specific transcendent levels (makifim) for each respective “world”: The keser (crown, makif) of atzilus – the specific desire to emanate atzilus; the keser and desire of beriyah; to the keser and desire of asiyah.
The reason for this is: Though the desire for all aspects of existence (of all the worlds) begin in the simple pre-tzimtzum desire (rotzun ha’poshut), and even more so in the primordial thought of A”K, which has a relationship with existence (more than the pre-tzimtzum desire, where there is no existence of worlds in any shape or form), nevertheless in that transcendent thought and desire all distinctions of existence are totally concealed and encompassed, to the point that they are all equalized. In A”K atzilus and asiya are equal. For two reasons: 1) Even though once they emerge the energy level of one world is very different than another (in atzilus the divine energy is revealed and one with the containers, while in biy”a they are separate), yet while they are contained in A”K the energy of all the levels is the same (just as A”K encompasses them all even after they emerge). Similar to how the soul radiates equally during the revelation of the concealed faculties (at a celebration), as discussed in ch. 22). In A”K all distinctions of levels are completely concealed.
Thus, in order to bring into actual existence the distinct worlds there needs to be a specific desire for each individual world. For example: When someone builds any structure, first comes a general desire for the overall structure, which includes all the details (the shape of the rooms, floors, doors, windows, as well as the building materials, wood, stones, earth), but the details are not yet distinguishable in this all encompassing desire for a home. Then, when it comes to the action stage, there is a specific desire for each room, floor and each respective detail.
Hebrew Text
Example of desire to build home: Shabbat Parshat Tisa 5565 — cited in the sources for ch. 60, pp. 323. Biurei HaZohar Tzemach Tzedek pp. 256. See also Adam Ki Yi’hiye Samach Vav p. 200. V’hoyu Emunas Itecho 5652 pp. 39. Va’yovo Amalek 5709 p. 39.