Ep. 180: How to Experience an Inspiring Rosh Hashana? How to React to the Gender Identity Crisis?
- Chassidus Applied to Rosh Hashana 5778 0:06
- I can’t handle another Rosh Hashana 3:11
- Chof Tes Elul, Tzemech Tzedek’s 228th birthday 13:28
- Why are baalei teshuva mistreated and what can we do about it? 27:40
- Different sexual orientations and identities 36:37
- Discretion during pregnancy 45:43
- Follow-up: 51:35
- Chassidus Question: How can Hashem’s rule as king pre-existence? 1:04:52
- MyLife Essays: “In Pursuit of the Pathway” by Gerald Rosenberg; “The Congruent Life;” “Overcoming Perfection” by Rivka Elkaim.