Ep. 115: What do we learn from the Rebbe’s brother? How to Respond to Missionaries?
- Chassidus Applied to Emor 1:28
- Yud Gimmel Iyar, Yartzeit of the Rebbe’s Brother 8:29
- How can a perfect life be meaningful? 25:00
- Interacting with missionaries 34:45
- Clearing the mind from past, best-forgotten relationships 42:43
- Feedback and follow-up – Women as Breadwinner 48:27
- Chassidus Question: What is the Alter Rebbe’s innovation about “ohr”? 57:49
- MyLife Essays: Encountering You, Know How to Listen: The Role of the Mashpia to Listen and Relate to the Individual, A Chassidic Take on the Four Letter Word 1:10:04