Ep. 221: Do I Need to Say the Entire Kinus on Tisha B’Av When I Don’t Understand It?
- Chassidus Applied to the Nine Days, 5 Av and Shabbos Chazon 0:20
- Do I need to say the entire kinus on Tisha B’Av when I don’t understand it and it’s uninspiring? 17:36
- What can a person do when his dignity (malchus) was broken in childhood? 26:04
- Can we say that trauma is a cause for people to become Baalei Teshuva and drastically change their lives? 33:20
- Follow-up:
- How to be a good parent? 49:40
- Do the Rebbe’s sichos about television also apply to the unfiltered internet? 55:41
- Chassidus question: Please explain the meaning and personal relevance of the Berditchever Rebbe’s teaching that we are all shown the Third Temple on Shabbos Chazon. 57:36
- My Life 2018 essays: Overcoming Life’s Challenges with Emunah and Bitachon, Esti Loeub, 34, Vancouver, BC; Eating Properly According to Chassidus, Elsholom Tov Naor, 19, Mitzpa Ilan; Israel; The Enemy Within: The Psychological Challenges of our Time, Anna Kara-Ivanov, 36, Maaleh Adumim, Israel 01:03:36