Ep. 359: Would the Rebbe Be Happy With Weddings Being Made Outside of Crown Heights?
In loving memory of Rabbi Yitzchok Ezagui
Passed on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 5781
- Chassidus applied to Yud Beis Tammuz – 94 years
- What is the significance of this day?
- How can it empower us in facing our current challenges?
- 40th Siyum HaRambam: What is its connection with the Rebbe and Geulah?
- Why was Moshe punished for striking the rock?
- What can camp counselors learn from Moshe not speaking to the rock?
- Lessons from Balak
- Why is the parsha named after a wicked king?
- Did the donkey actually speak?
- Why did such great blessings come specifically from Balaam?
- Why is Balaam considered a villain?
- Why were intelligent people drawn to idolatry?
- How could anyone in their right mind worship human waste (baal pe’or)?
- Should we be celebrating or dismissing the establishment of Juneteenth as a national holiday?
- Is the appointment of an observant Jew as Prime Minister of Israel a sign of Moshiach’s coming?
- Would the Rebbe be happy with weddings being made outside of Crown Heights?
- Chassidus question: What is the concept of taanug according to Chassidus?
- MyLife 2020 Chassidus Applied Essay and Creative Contest: 27th Place winners:
- Essay English: Tapping into our True Selves, Mushky Ezagui, 23, Bnos Chabad of Monsey. Hometown: Montreal, Canada
- Essay Hebrew (men): ההתמודדות הנכונה מול הסביבה, Eliyahu Darim, Beitar Elit, Israel
- Essay Hebrew (women): !?מדוע יש כל כך הרבה רע בעולם, Mushka Trebnik, Student, Kfar Chabad, Israel
- Creative: Let’s Take it Easy? (poetry), Shalom Lipovenko, 25, Fashion Designer, Toronto, Ontario
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MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of the human experience. The objective of the program is to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
MyLife is a community-supported project, requiring hours of research and preparation each week. Please donate or sponsor an episode, to help us continue and expand this important work.
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