Ep. 22: Gimmel Tammuz, Connecting to the Rebbe, Hastening Moshiach
- What does Gimmel Tammuz represent? What emotions should it conjure up? 13:05
- What is the appropriate way to observe the day? 19:03
- Must/should one go to the Ohel on Gimmel Tammuz? If yes, why? 25:00
- Other than going to the Ohel, is there anything else I can do to feel close to the Rebbe? 27:27
- How do I cope with the feeling of defeat and hopelessness that after twenty years, Moshiach hasn’t yet come? 29:52
- How do I explain to my children why we don’t have a physical Rebbe? And how we connect with the Rebbe without seeing him? 38:39
- How long does the “seventh generation” (do’r ha’shevi’i) last? 47:20
- Is there more I can do to hasten the coming of Moshiach? 52:52