Ep. 267: Is Geulah Dependent Upon All Jews Being Observant and All Non-Jews Accepting the 7 Mitzvos?
- Chassidus Applied to Chukas
- Is G-d waiting for every Jew to be observant and every non-Jew to to accept the Sheva Mitzvos before bringing the complete Geulah?
- Are we meant to be afraid of G-d? Is “fear” the accurate translation?
- Should I, as a female, be going to a male healer?
- Is it appropriate for men to lead women’s farbrengens?
- How do we understand polygamy in Judaism?
- Is What’s App appropriate?
- Follow up:
- Pidyon nefesh at the Ohel (episode 266)
- Mashpia (episode 263)
- Limited contact between groom and bride (episode 264)
- Handshaking (episode 261)
- Chassidus question: How can a tzaddik be called by G-d’s name?
- My Life 2019 essays:
- Growth Through Trauma, Hadassa Shemtov, 26, West Hollywood, NY;
- What Will the Neighbours Think? Rivka Cohen, 34, Greater Manchester, England
- Respectful Parenting: Discipline Through Ahavas Yisrael and Chesed, Yosefa Wood-Isenberg,
29, Philadelphia, PA
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