Ep. 161: Is Abstaining from Enjoying G-d’s Beautiful World an Affront to G-d?
- Chassidus Applied to Emor 0:20
- Yud Gimmel Iyar: 65th yartzeit of Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib 11:50
- Lessons from Pesach Sheini 16:30
- Can creativity be taught even to someone who isn’t naturally creative? 23:30
- Isn’t abstaining from enjoyment an affront to G-d’s creation? 32:40
- What would the Rebbe say about a school strike? 46:10
- I hate to bother my mashpia! 57:35
- Selling a Sefer Torah (follow-up) 56:12
- Chassidus Question: What is netzach in our personal lives? Why are netzach and hod the final avoda of golus (as explained by the Frierdiker Rebbe)? 1:00:03
- MyLife Essays: G-d and Pain: How to Be Vulnerable and Trust Again, Dealing with Hate Issues, The Power of Self-Esteem 1:04:25