Ep. 303: Special Yud Alef Nissan Edition; What Did the Tzemech Tzedek Write in a Maamar About the Epidemic in 1832?
who just passed on 9 Nissan from the accursed coronavirus.
Dedicated by the Nash family.
In this special edition of MyLife, Rabbi Jacobson explains the connection between Yud Alef Nissan and the challenges we are facing today, applying it to what we can do to counter the crisis
View the PDF of the Arizal’s Text.
- Chassidus applied to Yud Alef Nissan
- What does Shabbos HaGadol mean today?
- Yud Gimmel Nissan: Lessons from the Tzemech Tzedek about an epidemic
- How is this night different? Lessons from Pesach
- How can we be making Pesach and fulfilling our other obligations when we should be helping others in this time of need?
- What is the significance of reading the nasi?
- Increasing in Torah study in honor of Yud Alef Nissan
- What is the significance of corona meaning crown? Is there something we can do to repair the sefira of kesser on a spiritual level to help stop the virus?
- How to deal with the challenge of being at home with my kids?
- How about those of us who have no family?
- What is the bare minimum of people needed to do a Seder?
- Which Parsha will we read after the quarantine is over?
- Seder related questions
Skip directly to a topic by viewing the episode timestamps in YouTube.
MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a series of video webcasts answering questions from the public, with the objective of demonstrating how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.