Ep. 306: Revelation: Tanya as Ketores – a Spiritual Vaccine Against a Pandemic
Dedicated by Chava and Ephraim Merovitch
In honor of Chava's birthday, Rosh Chodesh Iyar
And in loving memory of
HaRav HaChosid R' Mordechai Tzvi ben Chaim Yosef a"h Greenwald
Yahrzeit, 3 Iyar 5778
In honor of Chava's birthday, Rosh Chodesh Iyar
And in loving memory of
HaRav HaChosid R' Mordechai Tzvi ben Chaim Yosef a"h Greenwald
Yahrzeit, 3 Iyar 5778
- Chassidus Applied to Beis Iyar
- What is the story behind Moshiach’s Sefer Torah?
- Lessons from Acharei-Kedoshim
- is there a connection between Iyar and today’s events?
- Does unity make us more immune?
- Revelation: R’ Yehuda Leib Hakohen: Tanya is Ketores for all the spiritual epidemics in ikvasa d’meshicha
- Any suggestions on dealing with challenges as we are quarantined together at home?
- More on singles quarantined
- Should we be paying tuition to closed schools amid Covid-19?
- Why doesn’t a name change always protect the individual?
- Why is our Tehillim not helping?
- How can someone who davens with a minyan be harmed when it says shomer mitzvah lo yada davar rah?
- Ahavas Yisroel stories
Skip directly to a topic by viewing the episode timestamps in YouTube.
MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a series of video webcasts answering questions from the public, with the objective of demonstrating how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
MyLife is a community-supported project, requiring hours of research and preparation each week. Please donate or sponsor an episode, to help us continue and expand this important work.