Ep. 251: How Do We Address the Issue of Anti-Semitic Attacks and Safety?
In memory of Rabbi Yosef Goldstein (Yosef ben Chaya Malka), also known as “Uncle Yossi.” Noted educator and gifted storyteller who inspired generations through his stories and songs, and whose Yahrzeit was this past Shabbos, Chof Hei Adar. May his neshama have an aliya and may his children, grandchildren, and great-grand children, etc. have much hatzlacha and all that they need b’gashmiyus u-beruchniyus.
- Chassidus Applied to 27 Adar 0:09
- Lessons from Chodesh Adar II and Pekudei 9:13
- If everything that haxzppens is orchestrated from above, how much free choice do we really have? 15:45
- What Torah concepts can we transmit to non-Jews? How far can we go? 18:50
- How do we address the issue of anti-Semitic attacks and safety? 23:12
- Since G-d created the human body with such amazing design why did he allow it to be so fragile? 27:29
- Should we be talking with our children about puberty? 36:11
- What is the meaning of the verse “also the prophets and the spirit of contamination I will remove from the earth”? 42:34
- Follow-up (episode 250): MicDrop 44:55
- Chassidus question: Will the roles of women and men change in the times of Moshiach when feminine energy will be greater than male energy? 59:26
- My Life 2018 essays: 01:04:00
- I Am My Own Greatest Enemy: Shedding Chassidic Light on Destructive Behaviors, Countess Rivka Elkaim, 67, United States
- You ARE your Struggles, Sara Malka Fox, 19, Pretoria, South Africa
- Every Moment – A Renewed Creation to Celebrate, Baruch Elkins, 58, Buffalo Grove, IL