Ep. 220: Is It an Absolute That Moshiach Must Come in the Next 221 Years Before the 7th Millennium?
- Chassidus Applied to Rosh Chodesh Av and the Nine Days 0:20
- Lessons from Parshas Matos-Masei 17:07
- Summer tznius: Until what age is it acceptable for a boy to wear open shoes without socks? 24:19
- What’s our role and goal with summer camp? 27:13
- What are reasons why one would “go off the derech” and how can we influence him/her in a positive way? 32:19
- Do we celebrate our English birthdays? 46:50
- What does the Rebbe and Chassidus say about climate change and environmentalism? 51:27
- Follow-up – Episode 219:
- Chassidus question: Is it an absolute that Moshiach must come in the next 221 years before the 7th millennium? 01:03:24
- My Life 2018 essays: Not On Our Own, Shlomo Sherman, 42, Las Vegas, NV; The Positive Side of Atheism and the Way to Reveal It, Dovid Rub, 28, Chaifa, Israel; The Struggle is Real: Using Chassidus to Reframe Challenges, Chana Colin, 28, Philadelphia, PA 01:09:26