Ep. 128: Balancing Fun and Higher Purpose? Significance of Chof Av? How Important is a Beard?
- The significance of the period that begins after the 15th of Av 0:07
- Chassidus Applied to Parshas Ekev, Chof Av, and Mevarchim Elul 5:17
- The importance of wearing a beard 19:43
- Why the emphasis on garments? 30:10
- How can one balance fun and higher purpose? 43:33
- How should we approach Jews who march with our enemies? 50:42
- Dealing with loneliness 55:45
- The anatomy of time – follow-up 58:02
- Chassidus Question: How can there be levels before the tzimtzum when the Eitz Chaim says that all that existed them was Ohr Ein Sof Poshut memaleh kol ha’metzius, seamless and shapeless divine energy with no distinctions at all?? 1:03:19
- MyLife Essays: Olympic Dreams: Going for Gold, I Am a Soldier in the Army of Hashem, Leave the Past; Live the Present 1:06:43