Ep. 307: Can the Current Upheaval Bring Us to Discover a New Perspective on G-d and Torah?
Dedicated in the merit of all who are suffering from Covid-19, for a complete and speedy recovery.
And may G-d protect everyone else from contracting the virus, and be strong in these trying times.
And may G-d protect everyone else from contracting the virus, and be strong in these trying times.
- Chassidus Applied to Pesach Sheni and Emor in relation to our challenges
- Programs and resources for these trying and unprecedented times
- Perhaps we should not call the virus by its name?
- After a long day committed to my children, is it wrong for me to be ‘happy’ that my kids are asleep, and I will have some quiet time?
- Can the current upheaval bring us to discover a new perspective on G-d and Torah?
- Can we learn anything from G-d hiding His Face from Moshe about our need to hide our faces today behind masks?
- How do we know that G-d is perfect?
- How do we change habits based on life circumstances according to Chassidus?
- How to be a rock for someone when you yourself are crumbling?
- Please comment on the recent hisorerus of achdus among Shluchim
- The power of a niggun, especially in times of need
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MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a series of video webcasts answering questions from the public, with the objective of demonstrating how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
MyLife is a community-supported project, requiring hours of research and preparation each week. Please donate or sponsor an episode, to help us continue and expand this important work.