Ep. 225: Is the Rebbe’s Position on Zionism Different Than That of the Rebbe Rashab and Rebbe Rayatz?
Sponsored by Shmuly Wachtel, In memory of his dear beloved brother Pinchas Eliyahu Ben Gershon
- Lessons from the 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh Elul
- Chassidus Applied to Parshas Shoftim and the 4th Week of the Shiva D’Nechemta
- If Adam and Eve are the ancestors of all mankind, how do we explain all the diversity of their descendants’ physical appearance?
- Is the Rebbe’s position on Zionism different than that of the Rebbe Rashab and the Rebbe Rayatz?
- How to deal with loss? Why does the Torah speak only of Yaakov’s devastation and inability to recover from losing Yosef, and not his applying the lessons of להשכילך בינה to recognize a higher power and השגחה פרטית at work?
- Follow-up:
- Life insurance (episodes 224)
- Bullying (episode 224)
- Psychology and Chassidus (episode 224)
- Writing pidyon to other Rebbes (episode 223)
- How to be a good parent? Continued
- Chassidus question: What is the difference between the Kabbalah of the Rama”k and the Kabbalah of the Arizal? Part III
- My Life 2018 essays: Is it Dark in Here? Yechiel Ruderman, 24, Jerusalem, Israel; How Not to Hurt the People You Love, Aryeh Gurewitz, 26, Brooklyn, NY; Chassidic Approach to Self Control, Chana Man, 16, Montreal, Canada