Ep. 268: What Will Chabad Look like in 30 Years?
Dedicated in the merit of the Rebbe’s Shlucha, Devorah Leah bas Yaffa Liba. May she be blessed with a complete and speedy recovery
- Chassidus Applied to 12-13 Tammuz and Balak
- What is the Chabad custom regarding bringing in an early Shabbos?
- What will Chabad look like in 30 years?
- When naming a child after a tzaddik/Rebbe can we combine the name with that of a layperson?
- Should we be concerned with secular values seeping into Chabad ideology?
- How can I address my apathy to davening and make it a meaningful experience?
- To what extent should a spouse get involved in their partners davening?
- Am I responsible to share sensitive information about a potential shidduch with the other party?
- Follow up:
- Gimmel Tammuz (episode 266)
- Pidyon nefesh at the Ohel (episode 266)
- Polygamy (episode 267)
- Anti-Semitism
- Chassidus question: How do you reconcile Tanya chapter 15 with the Gemara whether a tzaddik is called oved Elokim?
- My Life 2019 essays:
- כלים השלכתיים בטיפול: השימוש בחוש הציור ככלי טיפולי במשנתו של אדמו”ר הריי”צ, Mishael Elmalem, 41, Jerusalem, Israel
- הביטחון בבורא ככלי משנה מציאות, Efrat Veber, 32, Beitar Illit, Israel
- האחריות כגורם אחראי בחיינו, Chaya Mushka Perlstein, 19, Haifa, Israel
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