Ep. 472: Are We Just Fighting a Defensive War, or Do We Have a Vision for the Future?
And in merit of Boruch Benyomin ben Menucha Lana Althaus
Yekusiel ben Leah Rochel and Rochel bas Liba Farkash
Dedicated by Pinchas Todros ben Miriam and Sarah bas Rochel Althaus
Strength and direction
- Are we just fighting a defensive war, or do we have a vision for the future? 05:15
- What is the spiritual, cosmic and psychological nature of this war? 04:20
- What is the true role of Israel and the Jewish people, why are they integrally connected, and what crucial mission must they bring to the entire world? 05:50
What lessons can we learn from the Rebbe regarding this crisis?
- How to deal with a sworn enemy: Peace through strength and truth 10:49
- Nip an infection in the bud: Preemptive actions 13:30
- Should we consider public opinion? 16:02
- The battle – rooted in the house of Abraham – is about fulfilling what G-d wants of humanity 18:13
- We are in the final stages of golus, ready to usher in the redemption 20:10
Our response
- What should this war teach us? And how should we respond? 23:25
- What is the best response to antisemitism? 24:18
- How should we respond to the current historic wake-up call? 25:40
What can we learn from the teachings of the Mitteler Rebbe to give us chizuk during this time of war?
- Lessons from the Franco-Russian War of 1812 and its spiritual implications 28:30
- Today we have the power to transform the world of Esau and Ishmael 30:12
- The role of Chassidus in the unfolding drama 32:55
- How we must move from being reactive to being proactive 38:54
- What practical actions should we be initiating and inspiring others with? 39:50
- Is there a spiritual action that can be taken right now to speed up the redemption of our captives in Gaza? 41:05
Is it possible that Moshiach did not yet come because we still do not have complete unity? Especially considering the sickening sight of Jews marching with the enemy? 43:19 - Should we celebrate our redemption from this time of difficulty in advance? 46:20
- Should we have a Simchas Torah sheni? 48:21
Reactions to the rally
- Will we be helped by the unity and good resolutions at the rally? 51:10
- How can you not appreciate the contrast of our peaceful rallies and the enemies aggressive ones? 53:34
- Is it appropriate to protest against the enemy, or should we just focus on the positive? 55:15
Kiddush Hashem: Beauty of the Jews
- Unprecedented love
- Ushering in the New Year with unity and song
Empowering Torah Portions
- How does the Torah story of Jacob’s journey to Charan help us understand today’s events? 01:04:30
- What is the personal application of Jacob leaving Beer Sheva and traveling to Charan? 01:05:03
- What is the historical significance of Jacob’s ladder? 01:05:29
- How do we gain strength from G-d assuring Jacob to not be afraid, and that his children will inherit the land and spread across the earth? 01:07:20
- What do we learn from Jacob building his family in Charan, not in Israel? 01:08:20
MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of the human experience. The objective of the program is to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
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