Ep. 526: How Do We Ensure That the Joy and Lights of Chanukah Last All Year Long?
And in merit of Boruch Benyomin ben Menucha Lana Althaus
Yekusiel ben Leah Rochel and Rochel bas Liba Farkash
Dedicated by Pinchas Todros ben Miriam and Sarah bas Rochel Althaus
What is Chanukah’s message to us today?
- How does it teach us to find hope and light in challenging times?
- What is the personal application of the Chanukah light details – time, place, number, oil?
- What does the oil represent?
Chassidus Applied to Chanukah and Zos Chanukah
- Why do we eat potato latkes and donuts on Chanukah?
- Is it a mitzvah?
- What is the difference between a custom and a mitzvah?
- What is the significance of Zos Chanukah?
- Is Zos Chanukah considered to be the final sealing in the Book of Life inscribed on the New Year?
- According to Shammai would the first day of Chanukah be called Zos Chanukah?
- Just like we put on a few pairs of tefillin, why don’t we light two menorahs to satisfy both opinions of Hillel and Shammai?
- What can we do to ensure that the joy and lights of Chanukah last all year long?
- What is the central theme of this Torah chapter?
- How could the righteous tribes have sold their brother into slavery out of jealousy?
- What do Judah and Joseph represent?
- Why will “action” be greater when Moshiach comes?
- What role does Joseph play as a precursor to Moshiach ben David?
- What personal and global lessons does it offer us?
- How is it connected to Chanukah?
Yud Tes Kislev
- What does the Tzemach Tzedek mean by saying that rejoicing in the Alter Rebbe’s celebration is to grasp on to the doorknob (klamkeh)?
- Are we required to teach Chassidus to others (follow-up)?
How do I cope with a life altering surgery?
- How can I deal with the fact that I no longer can have children?
MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast that candidly answers questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of the human experience. The program’s objective is to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
MyLife is a community-supported project, requiring hours of research and preparation each week. Please donate or sponsor an episode, to help us continue and expand this important work.
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