Ep. 523: How Should We React to the Downfall of President Assad in Syria?
And in merit of Boruch Benyomin ben Menucha Lana Althaus
Yekusiel ben Leah Rochel and Rochel bas Liba Farkash
Dedicated by Pinchas Todros ben Miriam and Sarah bas Rochel Althaus
------- And
In honor and memory of Rabbi Zvi HaKohen Kogan hy"d
How should we react to the downfall of President Assad in Syria? 03:56
- Is this a positive move forward? 09:19
- Should we be celebrating or should we be concerned? 10:24
- What are its greater, cosmic implications? 10:24
- What does the Midrash predict about the fall of Syria? 11:27
What do we learn from Parshas Vayishlach?
- What does this chapter teach us about today’s world events? 14:20
- What does Jacob and Esau’s reconciliation tell us about the conflicts between the West and the East, and the future? 21:40
- What are the implications of Esau marrying Ishmael’s daughter? 18:40
- Was Jacob the true first born? 28:55
- Why did the birthright and blessings have to be channeled through Jacob though they belonged to Esau? 29:47
- Why was Jacob silent when he heard that Dinah was violated? 32:09
- Did he approve of Shimeon and Levi’s vengeance on Shechem? 35:14
Addressing fears
- How do we abolish harsh decrees? 38:48
- After the tragedy in UAE how do we deal with doubts in the promises given to us? 43:00
Tes and Yud Kislev
- What was unique about the Mitteler Rebbe? 46:20
- Why is the Mitteler Rebbe associated with Binah? 47:00
- What differentiated between the geulah of the Alter Rebbe and the Mitteler Rebbe? 49:50
- Why is he called the Mitteler Rebbe, even after we have seven Rebbes? 52:27
- What is the background behind the sefer Pokeach Ivrim? 53:44
- What is the story of the Mitteler Rebbe suggesting the use of joy to abolish a harsh decree? 56:20
- How is that different than the saying of omein yehei shmei rabba? 56:20
- Was there more emphasis on simcha in the times of the Mitteler Rebbe than in the other generations of the Rebbeim? 58:02
- Should we name our newborn boy, whose bris is on Tes Kislev, Dovber or Hamnuna? 01:01:00
- Why did the Rebbe say Kaddish on Yud Kislev? 01:02:44
MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of the human experience. The program’s objective is to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
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